• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Falling for Iris

Hi there! I hope June finds you well. Flowers are blooming like crazy this month and I am really enjoying capturing them on instagram. Come check it out! https://www.instagram.com/crowladyhealing/ I’m not a big fan of these frilly Iris, but Rob’s co-worker gave them to us last year and I begrudgingly…

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Returning Birds

I promised an update when and if my favorite House Wren reappeared. It’s been so many weeks and I’ve heard them singing, but not as much as usual.  The last two years they have been on our back deck, but that bird house fell apart and I didn’t put it…

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Healing in Nature

A few weeks ago I taught a class on Stress Relief for Nurse’s week at the hospital where I work. It was so interesting doing research on stress management and seeing what really works. One of the most powerful and simple ways to reduce stress is to go out in…

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I was duped!

Well, I bought some really terrible essential oils this week and I wanted to keep you from doing the same! I have only ever purchased oils from the companies I recommend to you at the bottom of my newsletters. I was given those marvelous names during my Clinical Aromatherapy training…

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Magnolia Tree

I’ve been enjoying the smell of my lilacs in the warm sun this week. Things are so busy with work, family, kids in sports (it feels like we’re out every night!) and working in my business that I can feel like spring is passing too quickly. I took a few…

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Lilac Season!

Happy Lilac season here in New England. The Lilacs are finally blooming in my yard. I love them and, as I’ve said before, their scent cannot be extracted into an essential oil, so we’ve got to smell them (if you love them..) as much as possible while they are blooming. …

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Peach Blossom

The peach trees around here got hit hard by a cold frost last month so there are only a few blooms on my peach this spring. But they are so beautiful. That pink! Those stamens covered in pollen – calling to the insects! I had to lean way off the…

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