• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

How to do More of What You Love

This week I tried EFT/Tapping in a new way that I wanted to share with you.
I play the fiddle.
I LOVE the fiddle. I love the way it feels and how it looks. I love holding it and I love tightening the bow before I play. I love rubbing the rosin on the bow and smelling the pine scented dust.  I love the feel of the vibration as I play a string and I love the deep-concentration-drooly feeling I get when I play.
But, here’s the thing.
I’m not very good.
I don’t practice enough.
When things get busy (almost always!) I don’t take enough time to practice.
Thankfully, I have a wonderful and patient teacher.
I’ve been taking lessons for 8 years.
I still hold my breath and clench my teeth when I play.
I really should be better.
I really should practice more.
Some practical people in my life have said that maybe I should stop and take it up again when I have more time.
But every time I think of stopping – I cry.
So I keep slogging along.
Loving when I do get the hang of a song or when I play with my teacher and I am able to find the notes and actually play a tune.  Amazing.
And not loving when I don’t make the time or haven’t practiced for days in a row or finally take it out to play and I can’t remember the song we are working on!  AKKK!

So, this week I decided to tap on it.

(If you need a refresher on tapping: here is a link on How to Tap blog http://crowladyhealing.com/the-tapping-points or video http://crowladyhealing.com/tapping-stress-relief)

I generally am pretty good at tapping on things that stress me out, but I have never tapped on my blocks to practicing violin.

Once I started tapping I made some discoveries!
As I tapped, the first thing that came up was, “I should be better. I’ve been doing this for so long. I should be better.” Over and over.
No wonder I don’t practice!
That’s the overwhelming feeling that comes up for me every time I look at my violin.
Shame and disappointment!
I tapped for a while on that and felt much better. (When you tap on an issue like that-you let yourself really FEEL the feelings. By letting them up and out while tapping you actually release them! Fast!)

I also tapped on my failure to practice every day, even thought I really really want to! I tapped on all the times I’ve PROMISED myself I will practice more and I don’t. I tapped on all that disappointment that I deny myself doing something I really want to do because I am “too busy.”

When you tap like that that-it is uncomfortable because you are really feeling those frustrated feelings BUT it also really exciting because you quickly see WHY you’ve been doing what you’re doing!

I probably tapped for only 20 minutes, but it was both illuminating AND clearing.

Then I picked up my beautiful speckled violin and felt so much more compassion for myself and felt much more possibility.

I played the tune we are working on with much less tension.
I let myself enjoy where I am with my violin not fester about where I should be.
It was lovely.

And I’ve practiced every day since then!

So, here’s to using tapping to help you do the things you love to do.
Good luck!

Email me at crowladyhealing@gmail.com, give me a call (413-325-4529) with any questions.

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