• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Bumpy Start to Summer

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Hi there
Happy Summer! The Summer Solstice finally came and went. I hope you are enjoying these long bright days.

(So, this is my new email template and I am just getting the hang of it. Took me a while to figure it out and write to you.)
I’ve had a busy few weeks with the kid’s school ending and then some weekends away. It was wonderful to smell the beach roses in Provincetown and on Peak’s Island, but I am glad to be home.

The start of summer can be bumpy. Partly because everyone is so excited for it. There is a countdown! The buildup! So much anticipation and expectation! Hooray! Finally it’s here and then…..It’s here. Now what?!
New rules. (screen time, bedtime, chores. All need to be re-worked….)
New schedules. (When is bed-time when it’s light so late!?)
Scrapping, fighting, whining and other fun activities….
Missing of friends, teachers and routine.
Missing of alone-time (that’s me!)
Doing all those practical things like doctor and dentist appts that we put off through the year.
It goes on and on.
Weird food schedules and eating on road trips.
Loud hotel neighbors and “Beware of shark” flags flying! Really!

We tried bursting into exciting summer-activity this year to avoid the post-school mopes. We headed right out of town right from school pick-up, but it didn’t really work. It is challenging to completely change a routine and schedule, even if it is the relaxed schedule of summer vacation.

It was fun to go away, but no matter what; it is a transition- and transitions can be rocky. My friend just reminded me that it can take three weeks in her house to settle into a smooth summer rhythm. So, I am reminding myself and you to be gentle with yourself if it’s not as fun as it was supposed to be, yet. This beautiful weather feels short-lived in New England so there is so much pressure to have fun and enjoy every minute of sunshine; it can be a bit overwhelming.

So, I am going to take some of my own advice:
Go walk the dog and listen to the birds (Very calming, right? Research shows it is good for the immune system and great for mild depression.)
I set up my diffuser with some Lavender, Green Mandarin and Frankincense before writing this. (Here’s mine. It’s worked well for over a year so now I can recommend it 🙂 https://www.amazon.com/Smiley-Daisy-Essential-Diffuser-Walnut/dp/B00MPV4738/ref=pd_sim_121_4?ie=UTF8&dpID=412owXCrheL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&psc=1&refRID=QRKZP6HDPYQ35V15YWRM)
(I brought my travel kit when I went away and it was great to have the oils, especially the Lavender. A few drops (Remember, Lavender is one of the very few oils you can put directly on your skin.) on a scratch or a bug bite that’s not healing and it is transformed overnight!)
Here’s the Lavender we used from Appalachian Valley. 5ml for $5.50. You need some!

And while I walk; I’m going to tap like crazy. it has been difficult to tap these last couple weeks; surrounded at all times by extended family and children who are highly agitated by my tapping, “Why are you doing that? What’s wrong?”

So, here’s to adjusting to summer life and getting in the groove before I have to head into work for a few days.
Let me know what you do to adjust to summer and such high expectations over at the blog or send me an email.
Lots of love and hopes for an easy transition to summer for you and yours.
Crow Lady Healing

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