Essential Oils have been used since ancient times to help humans fight germs, connect to the divine, lift spirits and get good rest. Modern research is showing that essential oils create a physiologic response in the body after either being inhaled and going directly into the brain or after being absorbed through the skin. Studies have found lavender oil in blood samples of people who had received a massage with lavender essential oil!
These oils can help us boost our immune system and join with spirit, cheer us up and calm us down, but they are precious and difficult to extract. It takes up to ten thousand pounds of rose blossoms to make 1 pound of rose essential oil! My Clinical Aromatherapy teacher Kathy Duffy LPN MH CCAP/I (Medical Herbalist and Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner/Instructor) says that one drop of essential oil can be equivilent to 100 cups of tea.
These oils can help us boost our immune system and join with spirit, cheer us up and calm us down, but they are precious and difficult to extract. It takes up to ten thousand pounds of rose blossoms to make 1 pound of rose essential oil! My Clinical Aromatherapy teacher Kathy Duffy LPN MH CCAP/I (Medical Herbalist and Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner/Instructor) says that one drop of essential oil can be equivilent to 100 cups of tea.
Where, how and when the plants were harvested and distilled is important to the quality of the final product, similar to the nuances of production in wine or chocolate. Essential Oils can be bought in health food stores or through multi-level marketing companies, but I have learned to use the sources that I know and trust and that I was first introduced to by my teacher. The oils that come from the companies below are amazing! These are all smaller businesses that focus on the quality of the oils. I don’t get a kick-back from these folks; I just wanted to give you their names so you can have access to their wonderful and (relatively) affordable products.Appalachian Valley Natural Products’s Gift’s Gift
Elizabeth Van Buren
These are three oils that everyone should have on hand this holiday season. They can be purchased from the above sites or I can use these oils to create a roll-on, spray, inhaler or massage oil for you. (Remember to keep out of reach of the children.)
Peppermint-an invigorating oil; great for headaches, nausea and pain. Inexpensive compared to many of the other oils. People use it for weight loss because research has shown that sniffing peppermint essential oil before a meal effects the satiety center of the brain, reducing calorie consumption by up to 23%!
Lavender- a great all-around oil, used for anxiety, depression and insomnia and for many skin problems. It has been shown in studies to have a sedative action. It also has strong antiseptic properties. There are many different varieties of Lavender. True Lavender or Lavandula angustifolia is the oil to choose for relaxation and sleep.
Frankincense-Has been used as incense since antiquity for religious ceremonies. It helps you breathe deeply and connect to the divine. Frankincense also helps with anger, depression and pain. A lovely oil to use in baths or to inhale in stressful situations.