• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

About Me


Welcome to Crow Lady Healing.

My name is Katherine Harris and I am a Transformational Healer who helps people connect to the natural world, change their lives and discover their soul’s powerful calling in this world.

The name Crow Lady Healing chose me! I have always loved the beautiful iridescent wings of crows and their playful caws. In mythology crows are often the messengers between the worlds and I believe crows share some characteristics with healing – common and accessible, but still magical and mysterious. To me, they represent the potent magic that is swirling around us and available if we just know how to look for it. I help people remember their magic and through working with me – my clients connect with want they truly want, release what is holding them back and open the door to the life they are meant to be living.

I am a Registered Nurse who has worked with birthing women as a labor and delivery nurse for the last 20 years.

I have learned so much about strength, magic and transformation in my work as a nurse.

I have also been a Reiki and energy medicine Practitioner for more than 20 years and I’ve worked with essential oils for even longer!

Seven years ago I became a Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner, so I have extensively trained in the science and chemistry behind essential oils and the use of them in a clinical setting.



I also teach classes at the hospital where I work as a nurse focusing on two areas; Aromatherapy for Pregnancy and Tools for Stress Relief. If you are interested in either of those classes or have any questions you can call, email or message me on facebook.




Please sign up for my newsletter if you would like to be updated as new classes are added.



I am also offering more comprehensive programs connecting women to the moon and the healing of plants and nature though an intensive three month on-line course. Email for more information or to let me know if you are interested.

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