• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Full moon and eclipse

The moon will be full this Saturday and there will also be a lunar eclipse. I love eclipses. It is so starling to see our familiar moon look so red and mysterious.  Like the equinoxes and solstices, eclipses offer an opportunity for change, a shifting of energies but these give…

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New Moon

One of my most beloved companions and best friends is actually the moon.  It’s true! There have been so many times in my life when I have been lost, bereft, homesick and I have looked up to the moon for comfort.  I remember being in the depths of finals in…

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Say Yes.

“Something infinitely expansive is seeking to breathe through you, lifting your life to its highest possibility. Say yes.” ~ Marianne Williamson   It has been a long winter. A very cold and long winter. I am so ready for spring I can hardly stand it. And even though tomorrow is…

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Forest bathing

My older daughter and I took a walk during the most recent storm in our area and we saw a huge beautiful red-tailed hawk fly slowly across the field through the falling snow.  I grabbed a picture of where it landed on the branch of a big spruce.  It was…

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Craft Fair Fun

 It’s been great to see so many of you this fall. I had a wonderful time at the annual craft fair at Baystate Franklin Medical Center.   Along with my Salves and Massage oils I’ve been busy making up wonderful smelling and powerful sprays and roll-ons for a variety of…

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Diffusing to kill germs!

There is an aromatherapy legend from the middle ages about the power of essential oils in fighting disease. Back then, glove makers would impregnate the gloves they made with essential oils to ward off the Bubonic Plague, using lavender, lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus along with other oils. The legend goes that some…

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