• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Flowers of Early Spring

Hi there, Hope you are having a good week. I found my first spring flower blooming outside! This Coltsfoot was blooming on our local hike this weekend. It always looks a bit bedraggled because the flower comes up before the leaves. They look like dandelions but no leaves, no green…

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Marsh bird song

I hope you are well. The birds are returning to us in New England and it is so nice to have them back.  I took this little video yesterday on my dog walk. The marsh was suddenly alive with singing! Red Wing Blackbirds, a Song Sparrow, Grackles, Blue Jays and…

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Finding time to tap

Finding the time to do EFT/ tapping is an ongoing issue I address with clients. It comes just after the “Where do I tap, again?” question. (If you need a reminder on that go here: http://crowladyhealing.com/the-tapping-points) We’re all very busy and sometimes it can be hard to schedule time to walk…

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Happy Spring!

I discovered this beautiful clump of Snowdrops behind the library on my way to school pick-up. One of the many reasons I love spring is that signs of it are everywhere this time of year in New England. This Sunday is the Vernal Equinox or the first official day of…

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Tapping for stress relief

Here is a video I made on the tapping points and using them for stress relief. Many of you requested more information on tapping/EFT and many said that videos were a great way for you to learn – so here you have it!

Give it a try; tap along and use the points. After you use them through a few times they are much easier to remember.
Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.
 email me at crowladyhealing@gmail.com, give me a call (413-325-4529)