• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Fragrant surprise

The Walgreen’s parking lot in Greenfield was bordered by these glorious fragrant trees in bloom. As I opened the car door I was immediately looking all around. What could that delicious smell be? And then I saw the bees! These trees were buzzing with honey bees and bumble bees. There…

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Keep the bugs away!

Some herbal bug sprays waiting to repel bugs! Bugs can make summer challenging. Here are some essential oil suggestions to help keep them at bay.  I also have some suggestion to help with bug bites and stings. Keeping bugs away! Probably everyone’s heard of citronella as a bug repellent. It is…

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Bug tent

Here is a picture I took from my brand new bug tent! Isn’t it lovely? http://www.rei.bug tent I have been yearning to sleep outside and look at the stars for years. When I’d sleep out in a tent there would be a tent flap in the way of my view of the…

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Roses in Bloom!

  Here is a Rosa Rugosa in my front yard that smells so delicious – I love to leave the windows open so I can smell it throughout the day. Aaaah roses!  Their fragrance is magnificent. It is called upon in poetry, mythology and human history as a symbol of love…

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Sleeping potions

Sleep is vitally important, we all know that, but sometimes missing a night of sleep reminds us just how important!  For a variety of reasons I got very little sleep one night this week (a wakeful child, a dang mosquito, loud rain and wind). Usually I am a great sleeper,…

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Pink Lady Slippers

Hello there. I hope you are having a good week. I found these glorious Pink Lady Slippers blooming in a nearby pine forest and was thrilled. They are endangered because they are so slow-growing and need a certain fungus in the soil to germinate.  It was fun to find such…

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Here is a picture of a tiny Forget-Me-Not; one of my favorite spring flowers. In looking it up this morning I learned that it is fragrant in nighttime and evening but has no scent in the daytime.  I had no idea! It’s been one of my favorite flowers for years,…

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