• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Lilac Season!

Happy Lilac season here in New England. The Lilacs are finally blooming in my yard. I love them and, as I’ve said before, their scent cannot be extracted into an essential oil, so we’ve got to smell them (if you love them..) as much as possible while they are blooming. …

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Peach Blossom

The peach trees around here got hit hard by a cold frost last month so there are only a few blooms on my peach this spring. But they are so beautiful. That pink! Those stamens covered in pollen – calling to the insects! I had to lean way off the…

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Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day everyone.  It’s such a beautiful time of year here in the Northeast; I hope you are getting to enjoy some time outside. The flowers are starting to really bloom and the birds are waking me up in the morning! I put out two new birdhouses and have…

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Pear buds

I hope things are going well in your world. We came back from our short trip to Florida and the trees were still waiting to bloom. Some buds got shocked by some sudden cold nights after the tempting warmth. We’ll see what kind of flowers we get on the peach…

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Aromatherapy Compress to Tame a Cough

An Aromatherapy compress is a wonderful thing for coughs, colds and congestion.  Here is Georgia enjoying one a few years ago.  It is a great treatment to use along with steams for those coughs that won’t go away. (Read about steams here:http://crowladyhealing.com/steam-your-head-to-relieve-congestion) I also have used Aromatherapy Compresses for sore…

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