Here is a picture I took from my brand new bug tent! Isn’t it lovely? http://www.rei.bug tent I have been yearning to sleep outside and look at the stars for years. When I’d sleep out in a tent there would be a tent flap in the way of my view of the night sky. But when I’d sleep out without a tent there would be bugs swarming around my head. So. Finally. A bug tent. It is really just tent-shaped mosquito netting. And it is very exciting.
I had a beautiful night sleeping out watching the fire-flies hover above me. As I drifted off to sleep I thought one was a shooting star. I slept well and then when the birds werecacophonous at 5:30am I staggered inside to sleep in my bed. It was perfect. (I bought a two person bug tent, but so far no one else in my family wants to sleep out with me. Just wait; my stories of shooting stars and wonderfully overpowering bird calls will eventually entice them.)
This positive bug-avoiding-experience has made me appreciate that keeping bugs at bay can really improve summer! So I offer you some other ways to thwart the bugs around you.