• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Clear Focus

One of my most popular products is a “Clear Focus Spray.” It is made of spring water, and the essential oils of Vetiver, Himalayan Cedarwood and Lemon and a few drops of Plum flower essence.  The blend smells delicious and has an earthy component that brings you down to earth while the lemon is very uplifting.  I use it when I sitting down to pay the bills or do some organizing that I am dreading and it really helps me stay on task.

I made my first batch for my wonderful graphic designer who requested something to help her stay focused and many people have enjoyed it since.  Vetiver oil is distilled from its root and it smells like a perfumy dirt. It has been shown to help with symptoms of ADD and distraction. Cedarwood helps clear the air and is used to help with focus in meditation. The Himalayan Cedarwood has a sweetness that balances the intensity of the Vetiver.  Lemon essential oil lights up the spray and works to wake you up when you are flagging or losing interest. The plum flower essence has no scent but it inspires a burst of focus and energy like a tree in full bloom!

First you can spray your work area several times and then spray it whenever you feel yourself getting distracted (or if you are me, wanting to escape and go get a snack!) We have also used it at work during meetings when people are starting to zone out!

You could also use these oils in a diffuser or drop a few drops on a tissue in your work area.

If you want your own focus spray, give me a call or email me.  I just received a huge box of empty spray bottles that I am ready to fill!  You can also order up some of your own essential oils.  As I wrote in the previous newsletters, finding a good source for essential oils can be a bit tricky. The oils that come from the companies below are amazing! These are all smaller businesses that focus on the quality of the oils.  I don’t get a kick-back from these folks; I just wanted to give you their names so you can have access to their wonderful and (relatively) affordable products.

Appalachian Valley Natural Products


Nature’s Gift


Elizabeth Van Buren



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