My beautiful amaryllis is reaching for the light and will bloom soon. I love watching their snaky necks emerge from the grubby dense bulb. It really is glorious- and that’s even before the flower opens! (I’ll send a pic when that happens.)
So, how did it go finding things you are grateful for in 2015?
I heard from some of you about doing some powerful releasing.
Did you burn anything?
Did you congratulate yourself on what you did right in 2015?
So, now onto creating goals for 2016.
First of all take some time to really figure what you want. What brings you joy. Let yourself ponder what brings you pleasure. Write it down. Take a few days and let it simmer in the back of your mind. What would you do if you could do anything? What brings you the most joy in your everyday life? What do I really want?
Instead of “lose weight,” “eat better” or “exercise more” or “save money” think of why you want to do any of those goals. What would be different in your life? How would you feel? What could you do that you don’t feel like you can do now and that you’d like to change?
One thing that the writer Danielle Laporte suggests is picking 3 Core Desired Feelings that light you up and get you excited, then using those to inspire and remind you. Writing them down, posting them in places you see every day, putting reminders on your phone or desktop so that you remember to focus on those core desired feelings. They can be anything, but she has a fun page of visual images that is a great place to get ideas. Check it out and get inspired.
Visualization is another great tool in figuring out what you want and helping it come to fruition. Athletes and musicians use it to help improve their performance.
It is recommended to start your day with a visualization. (If you can; I know I am often hopping out of bed or at risk of falling right back to sleep!) But your mind is still open and fresh from sleep and a night of dreaming. It is easier to connect to that deep soul part of us that knows what we really want deep down and much of our chatter and resistance are decreased at that time. Even a few moments letting yourself relax and really see, smell, taste and feel what you would like to create; a beautiful day, a stress-free commute, a great presentation, or a vacation on a sunny beach can really create a great place to start your day from and it helps you dig deeper into what you really want.
Another great tip is to write it down. People who write things down are much more likely to get them done. You can take your goals, your core desired feelings or create a vision board! (So many choices!!) and put them somewhere you will see and interact with them daily – like in your phone, in a journal or on your bed side table, on a post-it in the car…..
Of course, I would recommend continuing to use tapping and forgiveness to help get past any blocks that hop in your way as you allow yourself to really ponder what you want and then move in that direction.
OK, next week I’ll talk about how to make incremental goals so they are more manageable and what to do if you slip up!
Best to you,
Let me know by email or on the blog what you do to move forward on your goals.