Some herbal bug sprays waiting to repel bugs!

Bugs can make summer challenging. Here are some essential oil suggestions to help keep them at bay. I also have some suggestion to help with bug bites and stings.
Keeping bugs away!
Probably everyone’s heard of citronella as a bug repellent. It is an essential oil from the plant Cymbopogon nardus, which is in the Lemongrass family. Research has shown that it deters mosquitoes and other insects. Here is a link to an image I found amusing from Wikipedia of how a “stable fly responded to Citronella”. Image
In the research, a Citronella-based spray needed to be reapplied regularly; every 60 minutes or so. This is true of other essential oil sprays, too. Because the oils are volatile and evaporate quickly they need to be sprayed frequently. If you are tired of Citronella or want a variety of scents there are many other essential oils that have bug repellent properties like Lemongrass, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Peppermint. Lavender, Myrrh, Clove, Patchouli and Geranium.
A combination of two or three different oils can be put in a solution of water and witch hazel. I made a batch of bug spray up this week so let me know if you’d like a bottle. I used Peppermint, Myrrh, Geranium and Lemongrass for my blend, but any combination would work. The Geranium is also good for repelling ticks so I made sure to add that, too.
Avoiding exposure to DEET seems like a good idea because of some of the possible dangerous side effects. Natural essential oils are a great alternative that smell good and are safe. Let me know if you want a bottle or have any questions about making your own.
If/when you are bitten/stung!
True Lavender essential oil and Tea Tree essential oil can both be put directly on the skin. (Most essential oils must be diluted first, but not these two.) They are great to dab on a bite to stop itching and inflammation and even help avoid infection because both oils are anti-bacterial. (And they smell nice.)
Other items I have in our summer first aid kit that you can buy online or at health food stores are:
Bentonite clay, which is a powdered clay you can buy a small amount from the bulk section. When someone gets stung by a bee or a wasp it is soothing to put on the skin. Mix a teaspoon or so with some water until it makes a paste and then pile it on the sore area and let it dry. The clay is cool and calming and it pulls the toxins out of the skin, Just brush off the clay once it is dry. (Don’t re-use it.)
Apis Mellifica 30c is a homeopathic remedy you take by mouth to help with stings or bites. It helped me finally get rid of itchy stinging red-ant bites I once had on my feet. (I had made the mistake of eating biscuits in bed when I traveled in India. Ouch! I was happy when I found the Apis Mellifica in a homeopathic pharmacy there!) Ask at the health food store about how often to take it.
We also use Afterbite which seems to help quite a bit. The regular has ammonia which smells terrible but it really does work to stop the itch. The kid’s version has Tea Tree oil, Eucalyptus oil, and baking soda.
Rescue Remedy is a flower essence that you can buy at any health food store and even some grocery stores that helps with panic. stress and trauma. There are many different products like candies, spray or dropper bottles, We use the dropper bottle and just drop a few drops under the tongue when anyone has had a trauma. It helps to relieve stress but is very gentle. Very good to have on hand..
I have all these items in the pantry so when someone gets stung or covered in bug bites we know where to go. The children tend to panic when stung. (Actually maybe everyone panics a bit when sting by a wasp or bee, It really does hurt.) Having helpful things ready to go can help with the stress and anxiety of stings.
Hope that’s helpful.