I also was pleased to see this sweet little ladybug on an Autumn Olive on my walk today. I haven’t seen a ladybug outside in a while (plenty of another type of ladybug in my house in late winter) This one was so bright and red on the green leaf; it made me feel lucky and I wanted to pass on some ladybug luck to you.
The Autumn Olive is in bloom all along the roadsides here in Western Massachusetts. It is an invasive species and is spreading quickly which is a concern because it pushes out other species, BUT it does smell beautiful this time of year. The branches are loaded with flowers that you can smell from 25 feet away. This one was buzzing with bees and little bugs, so they are not all bad. Apparently the berries might be good for you, too. (See Cornell Autumn Olive)
So, here’s to enjoying those things in your life that you maybe didn’t ask for or you don’t have room to deal with – like the Autumn Olive. They might just have surprise benefits like a wonderful tropical smell or healthful berries. (I’ll let you know more about the berries in the fall!)