I know I promised a video but I had a burst of inspiration that I wanted to share with you. When you’re in a sticky transition sometimes doing some clearing can help. Clearing can be done in so many ways (smudging, de-cluttering, spraying or diffusing essential oils, cleaning, etc.) Today I’m going to show you how to make a natural cleaning product that smells great, lifts the spirit, kills germs and cleans well.
You will need:
Hot Water
Liquid Soap (can be dish soap or Dr. Bronner’s)
Essential oils
Spray bottle
Take 3 Tablespoons on Borax and mix it with
3 Tablespoons of Vinegar.
Let sit for 5-10 minutes and let the Borax dissolve.
Then add 3 cups Hot Water.
Mix it up and making sure borax is dissolved.
Add squirt of liquid soap.
Add 15-25 drops of essential oils.
I used Tea Tree (great antifungal)
Eucalyptus (Great antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral!)
Lemongrass (another anti-viral and antibacterial)
Tangerine (antibacterial)
All of these also smell wonderful so just spraying it made me feel better.
The cleaner works well and is non-toxic. There is some talk about Borax being toxic on-line but this link reassured me. http://wellnessmama.com/26407/borax-safe/ Just don’t spray it in your mouth or directly on your skin. 🙂
Borax can be bought at most grocery stores in the laundry detergent aisle.
I tried using a glass bottle because I bought this nifty top when I was on vacation, but usually I use a sturdy plastic one.
If you like the glass I’ve used this one before for gifts
or this plastic one has worked well for me, too.
You can use any combination of essential oils that smells nice to you, or even just one if that’s what you like!
Below are the sources I use for essential oils. (As I’ve written before; the world of multi-level marketing makes buying essential oils very confusing and expensive. These are some great small companies that sell beautiful oils at good prices.)
(And Appalachian Valley (below) is still having a sale with free shipping on orders over 35$. I’m not sure how long it’s going on, but it would be a great time to stock up on some wonderful oils!)
Appalachian Valley Natural Products
Nature’s Gift
Elizabeth Van Buren
I hope you enjoy making the cleaner and let me know if you have any questions.