• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

All-Natural Potions make great holiday gifts!

Products over-flowing my crystal Reiki grid

Last year I sold aromatherapy sprays like Sleep Spray (the most popular :)), Germ Away, and Focus Spray. People really enjoyed them and I got great feedback throughout the year.

This year I created a new blend called UPLIFT. People told me they wanted a “Happy Spray” and here it is!
It’s ingredients are Wild Orange, which, like all citruses is uplifting and energizing, but this Wild orange has a kick to it that gets you up and going! The Cardamom is delicious and spicy. It boosts you spirits and even is said to have aphrodisiac properties. The Lemon essential oils helps counter fatigue, nervous tension and even depression.
The spray is so invigorating. I used it on my long night of labeling last night and it kept me good-humored and lively!
The face oil I talked about last week is amazing. The scent is light, but deep. I made a few extras in case more of you were interested. The base oils are really enriching, but feel light. I’m not someone who likes to bother with moisturizer on my face because I hate that heavy feeling, but his is almost disappeared before I’m even done putting it on the my skin. Lovely.
A roll-on I’m making this year to accompany the well-loved Lavender and Peppermint isLime. It is so bright; it smells like a lime lolipop in the best of ways. As I said before citrus are uplifting and invigorating, helping to lighten a mood. It also helps counter anxiety and is great for kids.
Another item I have this year that I really love is my Rose Quartz Hearts. People have been getting these from me for years, because I always have some handy. But, this year I thought I would stock up and officially sell them – with a handout and placed in a sweet bag.
From the handout:

These are special Rose Quartz stones in the shape of a heart.
These crystals are very powerful transmitters of energy.
Rose Quartz is aligned with the warmth and sweetness of the heart and helps to hold and transmit loving energy.
I have charged the hearts with Love and Reiki on a grid of crystals; energizing and purifying the stone for your use.
You can continue to charge the stone by imagining healing energy, love, warmth or power flowing into the stone.
Pass around the stone to loved ones. Have them visualize filling the stone with love, support or peace.  You can bring the stone to precious sacred places like the ocean, a forest, a church or temple and let it soak up the healing energy you find there.
Allow yourself to believe that the stone holds this energy and releases it to you when you need it.
These hearts fit perfectly in the hand, in a purse, under a pillow; anywhere you need some extra love, support and healing energy in your life.
They also make beautiful gifts.
And another new item I’ve been using forever at home, but haven’t shared with the world is an All-Purpose Cleaner. I finally found some spray bottles that hold up well so I have 5 of those to sell. They are made up of water, vinegar, borax, castille soap with Lavender, Lemon and Rosemary essential oils. They clean well and smell great.
Let me know if you are able to come to the craft fair tomorrow in Greenfield at Franklin Medical Center from 8am-4pm and you want me to put something aside for you. Or reply to this email or call me, if you’d like me to mail you some items.  I’ve got an Etsy shop but it will take me a few more days to update it, so if you want something – just reply to this email.
I hope you are doing well.
Lots of love,

crowladyhealing@gmail.com, give me a call (413-325-4529)
or come on over to the blog and leave a comment

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