One of my most beloved companions and best friends is actually the moon. It’s true! There have been so many times in my life when I have been lost, bereft, homesick and I have looked up to the moon for comfort. I remember being in the depths of finals in college and realizing with horror that did not know how the moon worked. How could that be? I had no idea when it rose and set and why sometimes it was in the sky in the daytime and sometimes at night. I was probably delirious with lack of sleep and overwhelm, but even though I should have been writing papers, I went on a mission in the big old reference books in the library to find out how the moon worked; I found images, charts and graphs and teased out the beginnning of an understanding so that the moon, instead of being a surprise gift caught out of the corner of my eye, became a way to measure time passing, seasons passing, mirroring the way the time and season moved in my body.
It is thought that women created humanity’s concept of time by watching the moon and seeing how our bodies followed the same 28 day cycle. Early calanders had 13 months, each one denoting a moon going from dark to full.
Today is the new moon. The moon is out all day, but it is positioned between the earth and the sun so its other side is illuminated, which we can’t see. It’s a good time to look at the stars and the see the faint hint of the gorgeous milky way. It is a time of new beginnings and of going into the darkness to let the light build again. It is a time of planting seeds.
So, I am planting the seed of this blog on this auspicious day that combines a new moon, the spring equinox and a solar eclipse somewhere where I can’t see it, but eclipses are known to stir up energy and make things happen. I am working towards offering classes that help women create a healing connection to the moon, using its changing presence as a reminder, a beacon, a friend that lights the darkeness and reminds us of who we are.
Comment below or email me if you’d be interested in taking part in a class. (I’m going to start with a pilot class with a small group of women at a deeply discounted rate so let me know if you’d like more information. It’s going to be fun!)