Hope all is well in your world.
Well, we have come around to the new moon today. Again. Life is busy and we can feel harried trying to squeeze what we can out of summer, but the steadiness of the moon’s cycles can be deeply calming and grounding. Here we are again at the time of dark moonless nights. The New Moon is a time of new beginnings. Time to start again. The sky will be dark all night. Last night I got home from work at midnight and when I looked up there was a lush blanket of stars above. Nothing like looking at the milky way to remind you of the vastness of space and reset a distracted mind!
I am finishing up creating the pilot of my on-line Moon class and I want this class to be amazing! But before we get going I’ve got some questions for you to answer. (I’ll also be individually emailing those of you who let me know you were interested, but I wanted to put this out there to all of you.)
I want to make sure you get what you want from the class! What are your specific interests about the moon? The science? The mythology? Moon manifesting magic? Different phases? Essential oils and their lunar properties? Using the moon phases to create the balance in your life? Or any other questions/yearnings about the moon? Tell me what would you like to learn/talk about and I’ll integrate it into the class.
The class will be 9 weeks long. There will be a weekly group phone call that will be recorded so you can listen if you can’t make the call. There will be weekly emails to go along with the calls and practical exercises to help create transformation in your life. (I’ll also be giving goodie bags to those who sign up for the class: I’m thinking crystal moon necklace and some lunar magic aromatherapy)
So, if you are interested at all in helping me create this low-cost ($30 for 9 weeks because it’s a work-in-progress and I’ll be asking you for lots of feedback!) pilot Lunar class; please email back what you want and how I could create a class that would really light you up!