Peppermint Essential Oil is the perfect travel companion because it’s:
Inexpensive $5-10 for a bottle. That’s it! And it lasts a long time.
Easy to use (just put the bottle under your nose and sniff!) Above is a picture of a Peppermint roll-on I always have in the car and and a car diffuser that I can put any essential oil in, depending on my mood, but on a long sleepy trip – I use peppermint.
Stops Nausea and Carsickness I’ve mentioned this before, but it works wonders for carsickness. The last time I was feeling sick on a very winding road with a stinky diesel truck spewing smell in front of us – I thought I was a goner, but I rolled my Peppermint roll-on under my nose and breathed deeply and the nausea passed!
Safe (By safe I mean it is in everything from toothpaste to candy! I still wouldn’t ingest the oil because it is so strong. And of course you should dilute it before you put it on your skin, and always keep any essential oil far away from your eyes. (If any essential oil gets it your eyes, get some milk (with fat in it) or some cream and flush flush flush it out.) These are really concentrated! (Also always keep out of reach of children because even just a little can be dangerous.) Wow, I really had to qualify safe.)
Relieves Stomachaches I’ll be packing some peppermint tea as well, which is great for stomach upset, which can happen while traveling. You can also rub some Peppermint oil (a couple drops dilutes in a palm-full of carrier oil (Olive, Almond, Coconut, etc)) on your belly to relieve stomach upset.
(I’ve read they are using Peppermint for colonoscopies. if the patient has a spasm during the procedure they can spray a bit of peppermint into the spasming area and it releases the spasm, allowing the procedure to continue.)
Headache Remedy Can dissipate a headache in moments, has been shown to be a powerful pain reliever. I roll some peppermint on my temples and under my nose to help with tension and muscle headaches. Peppermint also helps with migraines, use it early, when you are first getting the aura.
Ok, there’s even more things that Peppermint is helpful for – like decreasing appetite and food intake when inhaled before eating (good on a trip :)), soothing tired and sore muscles because of its anti-spasmodic properties. It is also anti-microbial so it is great to put a few drops in the sink full of hot water when you first settle into your hotel room. (That’s a trick I love that I learned from my Aromatherapy teacher Kathy Duffy.) It makes the whole room smell nice and kills some germs. Peppermint is also really wonderful for pepping you up when you are lagging. Just want to nap but have to go out tonight? Sniff some peppermint oil or give yourself a should rub with some diluted Peppermint oil and you’ll be ready to go out on the town.
OK, back to packing!
If you have any questions let me know.
Have a wonderful week!