My seeds came up! These are the rainbow Zinnia I planted. The sunflower seeds got swirled up to the surface with that huge rainstorm we had last week, but I pushed them back under the soil and will keep looking for progress there.
I also have some new beginnings in the works. Based on the survey I did and feedback from many people I will be branching out into helping people lose weight. I’ve had a big transformation this year; losing 35 pounds and having more steady energy than ever before. My back doesn’t hurt. I don’t snore and wake up the whole house and my mind is much sharper these days. Hooray! I will be sharing my journey and the amazing tools and mindset shifts I used to really transform my health in my new coaching program,
Weight Loss for Goddesses.
It’s going to be great!
I’m so excited to help other women feel connected to their bodies, realize how deeply intuitive they are and get rid of distracting and unhealthy food cravings and addictions. There is such a feeling of freedom when you can truly hear what your body and soul are asking for!
I’m also switching my email delivery system over in the next couple weeks, so you may get an extra email from me asking you to confirm that you want to continue getting emails from me. Please click through if you want to continue getting newsletter and updates from me.
Lots of love,
Email me at, give me a call (413-325-4529) with any questions.