We have been having a wonderful time in the Moon Class. This week we talked about Moon Goddesses.
To see some of the beautiful Goddess images we discussed; check out my pinterest page here https://www.pinterest.com/crowladyhealing/images/
This Sunday night is a big moon event, literally! It is a Supermoon or a moon in Perigee which means it is closer to the earth than in other times of the lunar cycle. This Sunday the Moon will be the closest to the earth that it will be in all of 2015!
Here’s more on Perigee moons (and Apogee when the moon is farther away.)
This entire lunar eclipse will be visible in the Northern Hemisphere (Oh please, no cloud cover!!) The moon will start darkening at 8:11 and then it will start to pass through the shadow of the earth at 9:07pm. Then at 10pm it will be totally in the earth’s shadow for almost an hour. During that time the moon will be reddish because the earth’s atmosphere is filtering the sunlight and blocking most of the colors, but not red.
Lunar eclipses are considered very powerful by astrologers (and throughout human history). They are said to create shifting energies, allowing us to make changes in our lives. Some even see them as a portal, an opening to new possibilities.
So, why not head out to watch the lunar eclipse and enjoy the changing night sky? And while you’re out there you can ask for things to be released that need releasing and dream the dreams that you hope your future will bring.
Let me know what you see!
Here is a link to more about time and place to see the eclipse:
Here is a link for kids from NASA which is a nice animated description from NASA

“Lunar eclipse April 15 2014 California Alfredo Garcia Jr1” by Tomruen – [1]. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons –https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lunar_eclipse_April_15_2014_California_Alfredo_