First, last week I sent a newsletter talking about Tapping/EFT and tricks to remember to tap. Well, it turns out some of you lovely newsletter readers hadn’t heard me talk about tapping and didn’t know what you were supposed to be tapping! So, I’ll explain!
Tapping is a method of reducing stress and re-setting the nervous system by tapping on specific parts of the face and head and upper body. The spots you tap are part of the meridian energy system in the body; the same system used in acupuncture. It is a great technique; easy, free and fast working!
Here are a couple of links to show you the tiniest tip of the iceberg of what it out there online about tapping/EFT.
and my humble video on EFT for frustration.
Second, I wanted to share with you readers that I am putting together a class on the moon. I am quite enchanted by the moon and want to share that enchantment with you in a 3 month on-line class. It’s still in the works and this first run will be a pilot class so it will be deeplydiscounted. Let me know if this strikes you fancy at all. It’s going to be fun!

Full moon rising over Brattleboro last month.