Happy March!
Hope you are doing well. Here is a pic I took in my NYC bathroom this past weekend. I was there for a great business conference and had an inspiring time. As soon as I checked into my hotel room I used a trick my aromatherapy teacher taught me.
I filled the sink with hot water and added a few drops of some different essential oils (Green Mandarin, Ylang Ylang and Sandalwood) that made the whole room smell wonderful and did some germ killing at the same time while also making it feel like home.
I highly recommend it next time you are staying in a new place. Essential oil bottles are so small they pack easily and are a great traveling companions.
One of my favorite companies, Appalachian Valley Natural Products, is having a sale right now with free shipping over a certain amount and discounts on amazing essential oils. I just made an order and recommend you do the same!
(I don’t get a commission; I just love the oils and the prices can’t be beat.)
Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/crowladyhealing/