I hope February is treating you well so far.
I used to hate February in New England. I just thought it was a torturous long grind until the goal of spring arrived. It was so dark and cold and seemed to go on forever.I had no patience for it. Then I met a friend who’s favorite month was February! She loved how the sky was such a beautiful color in the morning and how it glowed in the evening as the day was lengthening.
And so I stopped and looked.
And February light is different and it is so beautiful.
Add to that the bright sounds of the birds starting to sing their spring songs.
Now I love February.
And it goes too quickly.
I’m sending along pics of my Amaryllis that is blooming magnificently. Each day something new emerging or unfolding.
And I am doing my annual sharing and reminding you of the tapping world summit.
It started Monday, but it is such an amazing free resource for such an powerful topic
I want to make sure to put it in front of you again.
Life is challenging. And these are difficult times we are living in.
Tapping can help release pain and anguish you might be feeling, so that you can focus on the beautiful things in your life.
We take in so much that we need to process and release. As an energy healer I see that so much of what causes people to suffer is the building up and unprocessed energy of things that have happened and experiences that we’ve had.
Even just tapping for 10 minutes today can get the energy to move, which can free us up, so that we are able to be more present in the moment.
I highly recommend watching some videos during v the summit.
Also take a picture of the tapping points visual and tap for 10 minutes today.
You can do it while you read the paper, talk to someone about something stressful, watch the news, or take a walk in the beautiful February light.
I know you’re busy.
But tapping is worth the time that it takes.