We’re all very busy and sometimes it can be hard to schedule time to walk around your house tapping on yourself. I know. Especially when it can bring up uncomfortable emotions and issues. I get why it might be pushed off the to-do list.
I find that as much as people want to do things like; lose weight, be happier, release the blocks and love the people around them better – the follow-through can be hard. Part of why it’s hard is that as much as we want huge vibrant change-we also don’t. We are used to things the way we are and sometimes we are barely getting by the way things are. We have fears like; What if I try and fail? What if I do all this work and things stay the same? Or get worse? Uggh. Also, there are deep-seated-historic reasons why we do what we do and all that tangled -sometimes sad or scary history – can be daunting. Much more daunting than another day of the suffering we already know so well.
So, we carry on doing what we and everyone around us expect us to be doing.
It does take bravery to decide to shift things, to look at things and to imagine things could be different. It also takes bravery to do something new and odd like tapping.
Much of the reason we don’t tap are the same reasons we don’t do other things that are good for us (eat well, take walks, see our friends enough and everything else you wish you were doing) is because of that deep resistance to change, BUT tapping (unlike those other things we want to do) creates change quickly and helps release us from all those stories and habits that keep us so stuck. It really can.
So, if you are looking to make a change this spring- try some tapping.
If you are the sort of organized person who can add 10 minutes a day of tapping on whatever you’re stressed about; do it. Just 10 minutes a day can create huge shifts and benefits! Maybe try it for a month? Or for the spring season? And see what happens.
On a practical level tapping can be tricky because you can’t do it out in public (Yet.) without people wondering what you are doing and maybe giving you more attention than you would like at the grocery store. But because people don’t really care what you are doing; you can do it when you are taking a walk, waiting for a plane (you’ll never see those people again.) (And Virgin Airlines offers tapping lessons as part of their program to deal with flying phobia so you’ll fit right in!) or in your office at work.
You can also take a few extra minutes in the shower to do some tapping. Or get to work a few minutes early and tap in the parking lot. (I do a TON of car tapping :)) Also. The bathroom. (As happened the other day, a fellow tapper had a really challenging phone call at work so she went to the bathroom and tapped for 5 minutes and came back feeling calm and clear. Amazing)
Another thing I do is if I get a chunk of time alone I use part of it to tap. So, I will plan on spending 20-40 minutes tapping on whatever issue is bothering me. (I’m going to do that today during my dog walk and then I’ll pace the house for 10 minutes ranting about something. And then I’ll feel better. Much better.)
So, if you’re up for it – how about you join me in some tapping and make some shifts that really brighten up your world this spring?
(I swear I might have just heard the House Wren! It would be early but, maybe…. I’ll let you know next week.)
(Next week I’ll send a video on how to use tapping to shorten and avoid fighting and saying things you wished you hadn’t.)
Email me at crowladyhealing@gmail.com, give me a call (413-325-4529) with any questions.