Happy Full Moon!
Hope you can get out and see the bright full moon tonight.
A big part of flourishing for me is staying connected to the seasons of the earth and the phases of the moon. The moon is such a reliable and universally available touchstone.
All around the world.
Throughout all of human history.
The moon is a marvelous and magical anchor. It is both a clock that brings us months and helps us keep track of time but we are also connected by the integral rhythm of the 28 day night moon cycle and the cycle of women’s bodies.
The moon also provides a deep constant reassurance because when she disappears she always comes back again, dissolves and then is reborn.
One way to harness the power of the moon is to use it as a reminder of the in and out – back and forth – in breath and out breath of our lives. It can be a reminder that we need to release and we need to start fresh.
In the lunar cycle the full moon is a time of light in the darkness and celebration, but it is also a time of letting go.
There is so much we have learned and cling to that no longer serves us. Letting go is like taking out the trash, decluttering your house or the process of digestion and excretion that happens in our bodies. We need to release what is no longer needed or else it holds us back.
When you let go then you can make room for new things. In working with energy there are often old blocks and barriers that are embedded that can be released and shifted.
When they shift it makes room for energy to flow, like ice blocking a river that thaws and releases a rushing flow of water.
Energy work can help with this. It is a very potent way to move and clear energy so that new things – good things – swish in and take up that space. Energy wants to flow. Moving your body, eating great food, getting sleep, letting people know the real you – are all ways to keep your energy balanced, but spending some time shoveling out the backed up energy/trauma/clutter is important to staying healthy and connected to your actual life as it happens.
There are many ways to release.
Here are some simple but truly powerful options:
Tapping is one I have recommended here before. It is very potent.
It might feel strange but it allows you to clear and release and feel better. Quickly!
Taking a ritual bath with candles – sitting in water infused with epsom salts and some lavender essential oil while imagining everything you want to be released cleansed away as you relax in the water.
Burning a spell candle after infusing it with all you want to release and let go – meditating on it as it burns.
Taking a walk or sitting outside under the full moon or even looking out your window and imagining her deep reflective light clearing and cleansing you, filling you with her light from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
Writing. Disclosure writing has been proven to help people process traumatic events. In a study people were asked to write about “their deepest thoughts and feelings about a traumatic experience” compared to writing about their daily schedule for 3-4 days. The people writing about their trauma showed an increase in their immune system functioning and feelings of well-being.
So sit down and write about something that was challenging or that you want to release.
Make an appointment with your provider to get a referral for therapy! Now that is a way of releasing. If your blocks, barriers and traumas are too big for you to handle on your own (no shame!) talk therapy is a blessing. It can give you freedom and space from what weighs you down.
Make an appointment with me. I am seeing people for energy healing and aromatherapy in Northampton and would love to see you and gently help you move some blocks so you can step into life more fully!
Connecting to the moon and her progress across the sky is a fun simple way to connect to the cycles around us and remind us we have the power to clear out and start fresh.