This week I wanted to talk about following through on goals.
It’s a perfect time because I am almost done doing a challenge that involved using many different tools that I can share with you.
In two days I’ll complete the Whole 30 which is an eating challenge that has you cut out most of the foods that create inflammation, allergy, poor digestion and moodiness for 30 days. The guidelines are here, but pretty much it means eating meats, fruits, eggs and veggies for 30 days. My friend talked me into it and it turned out to be a great experience. I’ve been feeling great the last few weeks. (The first 7 days of headache from no caffeine and sugar was no picnic, though)(You can drink caffeine during the whole 30 but I decided I was way too addicted, so I got rid of that, too.)
OK, Now that you all have a had a week to find some magnificent goals that really make you happy and feed your soul.
Break it down into manageable increments.
Instead of
Eat well from now on.
What worked for me was: Eat in this specific way for 30 days and see how you feel.
Much more manageable and actually doable.
So, whatever your goal is – you can break it down into smaller increments.
instead of
Run a 5 k
Walk for 20 minutes outside 3 times a week.
You get it. Easy, I know, but sometimes I think we make a huge goal and then just hope it will work out somehow.
Then to set yourself up for success;
Do some tapping/EFT.
There are probably some deep-seated reasons why you don’t already do what you’ve chosen as your goal. Tapping helps to get to those.
For example; I was really resisting exercising and so I tried some tapping and so muchcame up. I tapped on how much I hated exercise. Hated it! (Who knew?) All the freezing cold mornings at the pool in college when they wouldn’t have warm waster for showers after! (Didn’t happen much, but apparently very traumatic for me! :)) Getting up at 5am to go to a dark loud spinning class after nursing my babies all night. Terrible!! After going through all these reasons why I resist exercise (that I had no idea about until I started tapping on _ “I really don’t want to exercise.”) I was able to go figure out the workout machine I got recently as a hand me down from a friend. I felt much lighter and happier and enjoyed using it. Hooray for tapping.
(How to tap video
I also tapped the night before the Whole30 started, focusing on my sugar and caffeine addiction using some great tapping that addressed the addiction and cravings. Amazing! I’ll write/video more about that in the future.
Reward Yourself
This call be small, but it is good to notice what is going well. It makes you notice tiny changes and keeps you motivated to continue. BJ Fogg is a researcher at Stanford who looks at creating new habits. He recommends starting tiny and attaching a new behavior to an already-existing habit to get it to stick. His work is really interesting and you can sign up for a free program here which involves an explanation of the technique and a daily email. I mention him here because he says that rewards are necessary and can even be a “Yeah Me!” with a fist pump because you flossed one tooth. (see, tiny!)
So, as much positive feedback that you can give yourself the better. A little dance party is great. Continuing with your gratitude journal is also a great idea. Or just reminding yourself of 5 good things from your day or things that you did toward your goal – as you go to sleep.
It was great to do my challenge with a friend. We texted each other pics of our delicious meals, good recipes, complained about grocery bills and cooking so much. We also shared when we slipped up-giving each other encouragement to keep going.
Sometimes people find that folks in our families and workplaces don’t want us to change; to run the 5k, to take a trip to France, to sleep 8 hours a night, or to do whatever your goal is. Maybe because they’ve seen us try before and fail, maybe because they are jealous of your upcoming trip or maybe because some people don’t like change. That’s fine. Just don’t try and use those people for support. Find someone who wants you to succeed and talk with them. I also found great support on social media-Instagram and Pinterest are full of recipes and encouraging people that don’t have to live with you. Find someone to support you.
Writing Down Goals
People who write down goals on paper “are significantly more likely to achieve them than are those who merely make mental vows, research from Dominican University of California” So write them down. In the notes in your phone, in your journal, on your list of things to do, on a post-it on your mirror. Wherever. Just write them down. It helps.
Be kind to yourself when you mess up.
No being mean to yourself when things don’t go as planned. There is no wagon to fall of of, there is no either/or, just keep going and do your best. Remember you are a pretty damn awesome person (only those people read my newsletter!) Another friend mentioned the rule of St. Benedict as we finished our walk yesterday “Always we begin again.”
and from Mark Nepo:
We can begin again every day. All we have to do is wake to the countless opportunities to unlock our heart, as if we’ve never opened it before.
–from Seven Thousand Ways to Listen
Good Lukc!
Let me know by email or on the blog what goals you’ve got this year.
(One of my goals is to go to Thailand with the family for the Loi Krathong festival!)