I hope you’re well and having a safe Thanksgiving.
Since I last wrote things have been challenging, but I’m feeling like things are really looking up.
I am truly thankful for all the people who got involved by voting and being part of the resistance. Together we can keep our country moving forward.
The annual craft fair/Crow Lady Healing reunion/ party at the hospital where I work has been (obviously!) canceled for the year.
This is sad because I love getting to see you all and talk about herbs and magic!
Instead, I will be offering holiday herbal gifties online.
I’ve set up my Etsy page and website and would love you to check them out.
Let me know if there’s something specific you would like.
I’ll be offering different things here and online including aromatherapy roll-ons, sprays, healing salves, aromatherapy diffusing bracelets with essential oils, massage oils and something new this year:
Herb bundles for smoke cleansing!
And do we ever need some purifying and cleansing as we move through the end of this year!!??
I made three different types of bundles with organic local herbs.
I’m moving away from use of Sage and Palo Santo because of issues around overharvesting and those plants being part of sacred indigenous religions. Also, the term smudging is specific to Native American rituals, but clearing with smoke is a universal human practice used throughout time.
I’m using local abundant herbs that smell great and have powerful purifying and uplifting properties.
These are herbs have been used throughout history for healing and clearing. Herbs like Thyme, Anise Hyssop, Calendula, Mugwort, Sage, Rosemary, Lavender, Lemon balm and Peppermint.
They smell so good and can be used to clear and purify space just by having the bundle or you can light it and then blow out the flame and let it smoke.
It takes so many herbs to make a bundle!
These are really dense. In some of them I also added quartz crystal.) (you’ll see which ones in the Etsy description) to add in the purification.
I have one on my altar and it smells great. I also have brought the bundles to bonfires outside to light from fire pits to use them as part of the purification and celebration as we move forward to a better year and a more positive futures!
They are really fun to burn and I feel like everyone needs to have one of these as a physical expression clearing out from disease, isolation, depression and insanity so we can make space for something new.
They would be a perfect gift for someone to bring in the new year, clear out a space that needs clearing, or to celebrate new beginnings. Click on this link to read about them and check out my Etsy page
(I am still getting the descriptions and pics up so email me if you want something specific you don’t see there!)
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!