• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Spring is here. Pay attention and flourish!


Although it is still chilly – in New England spring has sprung. 

The plants are really coming out and spring flowers have started blooming! These next six weeks are some of my favorite in the whole year because of the trees flowering, wildflowers blooming and all the explosive growth of the leaves on trees and plants. 

It’s magic to see how quickly the world can transform.

The word FLOURISH is my word of the year. 

Back in January I challenged myself to really flourish this year even though many things are challenging in the world. I wanted to acknowledge those difficulties and still thrive in this deeply flawed and beautiful world.

I love the word flourish because I think of vines growing up and blooming in unlikely places. The concept of flourishing doesn’t mean that everything is perfect and you get everything you want because we all know that thinking is a set up for disappointment. 

But, instead, flourishing means rooting where you planted, making the most of what is available to you while also creating change in your thinking, behavior, lifestyle, and engagement in the world around you.

There are many facets of flourishing, but one important one is the ability to notice, and appreciate small things. And in praising, and noticing those small things they become more. 

Things expand with attention and appreciation. 

Sure, a big part of flourishing is making change (I am creating a new program called flourishing that is coming together and I’m really excited to share more about it soon.) but an important part of flourishing is appreciating and loving what you can where you are.

So even though this is a dreary wet week let’s appreciate all the tiny signs of green life coming back and then also praise ourselves for noticing, for pausing and taking a break to look at the tiny leaves, emerging like butterfly wings out of a the chrysalis of the bud or the spring flowers like daffodils translucent in the bright, cold sunlight. 

The noticing – and then the praise and joy toward yourself for the stopping – helps encourage more awareness and appreciation.

Try focusing on this during the week and let me know how it goes.

Also let me know if you would like to make an appointment in the coming weeks. As I said in my previous email I am seeing people at the beautiful Sanctuary in the 3rd floor of Thornes in Northampton.

Sessions are 90 minutes and include creating an aromatherapy scent combination specific for your needs, doing some energy clearing and then a Reiki and crystal treatment with a hand and foot massage using the oils we selected. 

People are saying:

“What an incredible session I experienced with Katherine today! Thank you so much for your healing touch and energy clearing work. I feel so nurtured and cared for. I also got to bring home my own personal essential oil blend which smells heavenly. I highly recommend seeing Katherine for a transformational experience!” C

(I also continue to see people online. We can do some wonderful energy work together virtually, but I’m excited for the oils an crystals in person as well.)

I am scheduling mostly on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but have some flexibility with my days. 

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