I’ve finally let myself peek at the survey results and thank you so much those of you who filled it out! The information is so helpful and can help me focus on what you would like to see in these newsletters and in my upcoming classes.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!
I really appreciate you taking the time and sharing with me. It’s also fun to hear from you and what’s going on in your world.
I will pick a name on Monday and let you know by email if you won the free session!
(That means if you still haven’t filled it out-you still can! Here’s the link and it only takes a minute :))
Some roses for you in appreciation for taking the time to fill out the survey!. |
I learned so many things from your thoughtful answers.
I learned that you lovely readers want more on making herbal products yourself- with recipes and ideas.
Also, that many of you are stressed out and need some help with tools and strategies to manage all the stress, overwhelm and anxiety in your lives. I get it!
You are looking for more info on Aromatherapy and Tapping as well as other tools for healthy living and to help with motivation and to combat inertia.
Many of you who responded would like some tools to shift your mindset and make some changes in your lives regarding weight loss and healthy eating.
Many of you want classes in Tapping, Aromatherapy and stress relief and some want a moon class, a weight loss class and a class where we make herbal products! Fun!
Also many of you need help with getting to sleep and staying asleep.
And I learned many other helpful things!
And thank you for your kind words and sharing about your goals and challenges. I look forward to addressing these issues in upcoming classes and newsletters.
Please reach out to me if you have any other suggestions or requests!
And if you haven’t filled out the survey and want to-here is the link.
(I’ll randomly pick one responder to receive a free healing session in person or over Skype. (you can also write anonymous if you don’t want to be in the raffle.)
Thank you!!
The moon is growing larger every night! Monday will be the Full Snow Moon. We finally have some snow out there to reflect its beautiful light. Full moons are a powerful time to release and let go of things that hold you back and bring you down. It’s a great time to take a moment and let the large bright moon dissolve the stories and habits you have that keep you stuck. It is the perfect time to tap and let it all out! (Here are the tapping points if you can’t quite remember! http://crowladyhealing.com/the-tapping-points)
Email me at crowladyhealing@gmail.com, give me a call (413-325-4529) with any questions.