• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Tapping for total overwhelm.


This week I want to mention tapping which has been a goddess-send to me through this whole challenging political, social, economic, and spiritual time we have been traveling through together. 

I think most of you have heard me talk about tapping before. 

I think many of you have even tried it and found it helpful or interesting.

If you have no idea what I am talking about then check out the video and give it a try!

This is a loving reminder for you to stop when you are feeling overwhelmed and maybe not drink another cup of coffee or tea but instead try some tapping. 

The video below is for my Weight Loss for Goddesses crowd, (Which you can feel free to join by emailing me and saying you’d like to get that newsletter.) but it is general enough to be a helpful reminder on how to tap.

Also, I’ve included a research article on tapping for weight loss. Not because that topic is necessarily of interest to all of you, but the article is so illuminating.  It shows that tapping is a more positive and healing intervention than, say, eating candy, playing video games, fighting and/or scrolling on Facebook for the profound anxiety and trauma we are dealing with. 

Check out the video. Tap along. Read the article.

Now is a great time to integrate it into your life because we might be needing it in the next month or so! 

Much love to you.

Here is the article:



Here is a link to an amazing app for tapping that is free and has many different guided tapping scenarios. Download the app! It’s great. It helps guide you through the points and they have plenty of free choices.

I know I keep saying it but these are very challenging times we are living in, but it is true.

We will look back on these times and be so proud of ourselves that we made it through.

Tapping it’s one of the simple easy tools to use to make it all  a little easier and allows you to not only reduce your stress levels, but also hopefully reduce any stress behaviors you have that aren’t helpful long-term like over-eating yelling at your family and binging on news before bed!


How to tap!
 I’m going to be on the radio tomorrow! I’ll be talking about Weight Loss for Goddesses Friday October 2nd 4-5pm LIVE! at 103.3FM Northampton (local signal) or tune in anywhere: www.valleyfreeradio.org/listen

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